Monday, June 10, 2013

Foot Fungus: Is it always a bad thing?

On May 22, 2013, researchers reported in the journal Nature Online on their study which mapped the varieties and location of fungi found on the human body. They found more than 80 different fungi on human feet. In fact, more fungi, and more varieties, are located on the feet than anywhere else on the body. Researchers found about 40 different types on the toenails, 60 between the toes and a whopping 80 varieties on the bottom of the heel.

As explianed on, fungal infections affect 29 million North Americans. factors that influence the prevalence of fungal infections include population and climate. Antifungal medications can have dangerous side effects, and new treatments that target fungal imbalances are needed, the researchers say.

Researchers believe that fungi especially like feet because they do not like heat. Feet are farther away from the trunk of the body and are therefore cooler than other parts of the body. Feet also pick up fungi from the damp floors of gyms and bathrooms, and from sweaty socks. Not all fungi cause problems. In fact, researches think that a “carpet” of good fungi on the feet probably help prevent harmful fungi from getting a foot hold (pun intended). It is thought that fungal infections occur when there is an imbalance in the normal fungal community on any particular part of the body.

Interesting, right?

What can you do to maintain the right balance of foot fungi? Keep your feet cool and dry by preventing heat and humidity build up inside your shoes. Many Pedag insoles and orthotics are made of natural materials that breathe and allow air to circulate. Pedag uses vegetable tanned leather, pure cotton, Angora rabbit hair, wool, and sheepskin to make flat shoe liner insoles as well as orthotics that support the feet.

Flat non-orthotic insoles to look at are: Pedag Leather, Summer (hand washable) , Deo-Fresh (hand washable), and Royal
Orthotic insoles we suggest: Viva Summer (hand washable), Viva and Viva High, Pro-Active XCO (hand washable), Siesta for more information